artspace gallery @ plantzero / zero east fourth street / richmond, va. 23224 / 804-232-6464
bookart@artspace, An Invitational Curated Exhibition
susan benson, marc borzelleca, leslie brier, richard carlyon, gary garbett, mim golub, mark christopher harvey, jo anna hickman, mitzi humphrey, ivarykeith, rosemary jesionowski, patricia kessler, michelle lieb, megan mattax, scott mccarney, maureen mccarron, jeff nilan, g. alex norwood, mel odom, amie oliver, michael o'neal, keithley pierce, lynda ray, robin l. ryder, kris sanford, anne savedge, chuck scalin, kenny scharf, keith smith, jennifer stumpf, jake urbanski, susan vick, heather warstler, charlotte l. weber, claudia weisner-combecher, kathleen westkaemper, merenda woodward, hilary woznica, kim young, jill zevenbergen
Exhibition Dates: September 25 - November 1, 2009
Fourth Friday Reception: 7:00 - 10:00 PM, Friday, September 25, 2009
Opening Artists' Reception: 7:00 - 10:00 PM, Friday, October 2, 2009
Fourth Friday Reception: 7:00 - 10:00 PM, Friday, October 23, 2009
Closing Curator / Artist Talk: 4:00 PM, Sunday, November 1, 2009
Local artist Michael Pierce and VCU instructor and artist Ginna Cullen curated this exhibit that presents a broad array of bookart works, both one-of-a-kind and editioned. Some of the work will be exhibited on pedestals in the gallery and selected images of the work will be displayed on-line and in a printed catalog. In addition, the public can spend some time in a “Reading Room” created by Douglas D’Urso; there you can sit and handle some of these bookart works (when artists have granted such permission) and experience them in time and space.
Some highlights of the show include:
- A bookart work by Keith Smith, from Rochester, NY, who has been one of the gurus of bookart for over 40 years, influencing many book artists through both his personal work and his textbooks.
- A collaborative piece by Ivarykeith, made by Keith Smith and his friend Ivary, who lives in Korea.
- Several bookart works by Scott McCarney, another accomplished Rochester-based book artist, who experiments with print on demand editions.
- A recently published and signed book by Kenny Scharf, an artist working in Brooklyn, NY and Los Angeles, who was a key figure in the East Village art scene of the 1980s and created album covers for the B-52s during that time.
- Several late bookart works by Richard Carlyon (1930 - 2006), an Influential and highly regarded artist and teacher in Richmond. (Carlyon’s work will also be showcased in a concurrent retrospective at VCU’s Anderson Gallery, 1708 Gallery, The Visual Arts Center of Richmond, and Reynolds Gallery.)
If you have questions, contact:
Michael Pierce at or Ginna Cullen at
mvcullen@vcu.eduParticipating artists: susan benson, marc borzelleca, leslie brier, richard carlyon, gary garbett, mim golub, mark christopher harvey, jo anna hickman, mitzi humphrey, ivarykeith, rosemary jesionowski, patricia kessler, michelle lieb, megan mattax, scott mccarney, maureen mccarron, jeff nilan, g. alex norwood, mel odom, amie oliver, michael o'neal, keithley pierce, lynda ray, robin l. ryder, kris sanford, anne savedge, chuck scalin, kenny scharf, keith smith, jennifer stumpf, jake urbanski, susan vick, heather warstler, charlotte l. weber, claudia weisner-lombecher, kathleen westkaemper, merenda woodward, hilary woznica, kim young, jill zevenbergen